Vocabulary : Hornet to Hornobbed

Hornet : A large, strong wasp. The European species (Vespa crabro) is of a dark brown and yellow color. It is very pugnacious, and its sting is very severe. Its nest is constructed of a paperlike material, and the layers of comb are hung together by columns. The American white-faced hornet (V. maculata) is larger and has similar habits.
Hornfish : The garfish or sea needle.
Hornfoot : Having hoofs; hoofed.
Hornify : To horn; to cuckold.
Horning : Appearance of the moon when increasing, or in the form of a crescent.
Hornish : Somewhat like horn; hard.
Hornito : A low, oven-shaped mound, common in volcanic regions, and emitting smoke and vapors from its sides and summit.
Hornless : Having no horn.
Horn-mad : Quite mad; -- raving crazy.
Hornobbed : of Hobnob
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