Vocabulary : Hornwort to Horologiographer

Hornwort : An aquatic plant (Ceratophyllum), with finely divided leaves.
Hornwrack : A bryozoan of the genus Flustra.
Horny : Having horns or hornlike projections. ;; Composed or made of horn, or of a substance resembling horn; of the nature of horn. ;; Hard; callous.
Horny-handed : Having the hands horny and callous from labor.
Hornyhead : Any North American river chub of the genus Hybopsis, esp. H. biguttatus.
Horography : An account of the hours. ;; The art of constructing instruments for making the hours, as clocks, watches, and dials.
Horologe : A servant who called out the hours. ;; An instrument indicating the time of day; a timepiece of any kind; a watch, clock, or dial.
Horologer : A maker or vender of clocks and watches; one skilled in horology.
Horological : Relating to a horologe, or to horology.
Horologiographer : A maker of clocks, watches, or dials.
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