Vocabulary : Horoscoper to Horridly

Horoscoper : Alt. of Horoscopist
Horoscopist : One versed in horoscopy; an astrologer.
Horoscopy : The art or practice of casting horoscopes, or observing the disposition of the stars, with a view to prediction events. ;; Aspect of the stars at the time of a person's birth.
Horrendous : Fearful; frightful.
Horrent : Standing erect, as bristles; covered with bristling points; bristled; bristling.
Horrible : Exciting, or tending to excite, horror or fear; dreadful; terrible; shocking; hideous; as, a horrible sight; a horrible story; a horrible murder.
Horribleness : The state or quality of being horrible; dreadfulness; hideousness.
Horribly : In a manner to excite horror; dreadfully; terribly.
Horrid : Rough; rugged; bristling. ;; Fitted to excite horror; dreadful; hideous; shocking; hence, very offensive.
Horridly : In a horrid manner.
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