Vocabulary : Horsemen to Horseshoer

Horsemen : of Horseman
Horsemint : A coarse American plant of the Mint family (Monarda punctata). ;; In England, the wild mint (Mentha sylvestris).
Horsenail : A thin, pointed nail, with a heavy flaring head, for securing a horsehoe to the hoof; a horsehoe nail.
Horseplay : Rude, boisterous play.
Horsepond : A pond for watering horses.
Horse-radish : A plant of the genus Nasturtium (N. Armoracia), allied to scurvy grass, having a root of a pungent taste, much used, when grated, as a condiment and in medicine.
Horserake : A rake drawn by a horse.
Horseshoe : A shoe for horses, consisting of a narrow plate of iron in form somewhat like the letter U, nailed to a horse's hoof. ;; Anything shaped like a horsehoe crab. ;; The Limulus of horsehoe crab.
Horseshoeing : The act or employment of shoeing horses.
Horseshoer : One who shoes horses.
Next : Horsetail, Horseweed, Horsewhip, Horsewoman, Horsewomen, Horsewood, Horseworm, Horsiness, Horsing, Horsly
Previous : Horsehide, Horse-jockey, Horseknop, Horselaugh, Horse-leech, Horse-leechery, Horseless, Horse-litter, Horseman, Horsemanship
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