Vocabulary : Humbly to Humectate

Humbly : With humility; lowly.
Humbug : An imposition under fair pretenses; something contrived in order to deceive and mislead; a trick by cajolery; a hoax. ;; A spirit of deception; cajolery; trickishness. ;; One who deceives or misleads; a deceitful or trickish fellow; an impostor. ;; To deceive; to impose; to cajole; to hoax.
Humbugged : of Humbug
Humbugger : One who humbugs.
Humbuggery : The practice of imposition.
Humbugging : of Humbug
Humdrum : Monotonous; dull; commonplace. ;; A dull fellow; a bore. ;; Monotonous and tedious routine. ;; A low cart with three wheels, drawn by one horse.
Humect : Alt. of Humectate
Humectant : Diluent. ;; A diluent drink or medicine.
Humectate : To moisten; to wet.
Next : Humectation, Humective, Humeral, Humeri, Humerus, Humic, Humicubation, Humid, Humidity, Humidness
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