Vocabulary : Humpbacked salmon to Hun

Humpbacked salmon : A small salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) which ascends the rivers of the Pacific coast from California to Alaska, and also on the Asiatic side. In the breeding season the male has a large dorsal hump and distorted jaws.
Humped : Having a hump, as the back.
Humph : An exclamation denoting surprise, or contempt, doubt, etc.
Humpless : Without a hump.
Hump-shouldered : Having high, hunched shoulders.
Humpy : Full of humps or bunches; covered with protuberances; humped.
Humstrum : An instrument out of tune or rudely constructed; music badly played. ;; An instrument out of tune or rudely constructed; music badly played.
Humulin : An extract of hops.
Humus : That portion of the soil formed by the decomposition of animal or vegetable matter. It is a valuable constituent of soils.
Hun : One of a warlike nomadic people of Northern Asia who, in the 5th century, under Atilla, invaded and conquered a great part of Europe.
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