Vocabulary : Hustle to Hutching

Hustle : To shake together in confusion; to push, jostle, or crowd rudely; to handle roughly; as, to hustle a person out of a room. ;; To push or crows; to force one's way; to move hustily and with confusion; a hurry.
Hustled : of Hustle
Hustling : of Hustle
Huswife : A female housekeeper; a woman who manages domestic affairs; a thirfty woman. ;; A worthless woman; a hussy. ;; A case for sewing materials. See Housewife. ;; To manage with frugality; -- said of a woman.
Huswifely : Like a huswife; capable; economical; prudent. ;; In a huswifely manner.
Huswifery : The business of a housewife; female domestic economy and skill.
Hut : A small house, hivel, or cabin; a mean lodge or dwelling; a slightly built or temporary structure.
Hutch : To place in huts; to live in huts; as, to hut troops in winter quarters. ;; A chest, box, coffer, bin, coop, or the like, in which things may be stored, or animals kept; as, a grain hutch; a rabbit hutch. ;; A measure of two Winchester bushels. ;; The case of a flour bolt. ;; A car on low wheels, in which coal is drawn in the mine and hoisted out of the pit. ;; A jig for washing ore. ;; To hoard or lay up, in a chest. ;; To wash (ore) in a box or jig.
Hutched : of Hutch
Hutching : of Hutch
Next : Hutchunsonian, Hutted, Hutting, Huttonian, Huttoning, Huxter, Huyghenian, Huzz, Huzza, Huzzaed
Previous : Husked, Huskily, Huskiness, Husking, Husky, Huso, Hussar, Hussite, Hussy, Hustings
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