Vocabulary : Hydraemia to Hydrargyrism

Hydraemia : An abnormally watery state of the blood; anaemia.
Hydragogue : Causing a discharge of water; expelling serum effused into any part of the body, as in dropsy. ;; A hydragogue medicine, usually a cathartic or diuretic.
Hydramide : One of a group of crystalline bodies produced by the action of ammonia on certain aldehydes.
Hydramine : One of a series of artificial, organic bases, usually produced as thick viscous liquids by the action of ammonia on ethylene oxide. They have the properties both of alcohol and amines.
Hydrangea : A genus of shrubby plants bearing opposite leaves and large heads of showy flowers, white, or of various colors. H. hortensis, the common garden species, is a native of China or Japan.
Hydrant : A discharge pipe with a valve and spout at which water may be drawn from the mains of waterworks; a water plug.
Hydranth : One of the nutritive zooids of a hydroid colony. Also applied to the proboscis or manubrium of a hydroid medusa. See Illust. of Hydroidea.
Hydrargochloride : A compound of the bichloride of mercury with another chloride.
Hydrargyrate : Of or pertaining to mercury; containing, or impregnated with, mercury.
Hydrargyrism : A diseased condition produced by poisoning with hydrargyrum, or mercury; mercurialism.
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