Vocabulary : Hydromica to Hydrophanous

Hydromica : A variety of potash mica containing water. It is less elastic than ordinary muscovite.
Hydronephrosis : An accumulation of urine in the pelvis of the kidney, occasioned by obstruction in the urinary passages.
Hydropath : A hydropathist.
Hydropathic : Alt. of Hydropathical
Hydropathical : Of or pertaining to hydropathy.
Hydropathist : One who practices hydropathy; a water-cure doctor.
Hydropathy : The water cure; a mode of treating diseases by the copious and frequent use of pure water, both internally and externally.
Hydroperitoneum : Same as Ascites.
Hydrophane : A semitranslucent variety of opal that becomes translucent or transparent on immersion in water.
Hydrophanous : Made transparent by immersion in water.
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