Vocabulary : Hydroxanthic to Hydruret

Hydroxanthic : Persulphocyanic.
Hydroxide : A hydrate; a substance containing hydrogen and oxygen, made by combining water with an oxide, and yielding water by elimination. The hydroxides are regarded as compounds of hydroxyl, united usually with basic element or radical; as, calcium hydroxide ethyl hydroxide.
Hydroxy- : A combining form, also used adjectively, indicating hydroxyl as an ingredient.
Hydroxyl : A compound radical, or unsaturated group, HO, consisting of one atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen. It is a characteristic part of the hydrates, the alcohols, the oxygen acids, etc.
Hydroxylamine : A nitrogenous, organic base, NH2.OH, resembling ammonia, and produced by a modified reduction of nitric acid. It is usually obtained as a volatile, unstable solution in water. It acts as a strong reducing agent.
Hydrozoa : The Acalephae; one of the classes of coelenterates, including the Hydroidea, Discophora, and Siphonophora. ;; of Hydrozoon
Hydrozoal : Of or pertaining to the Hydrozoa.
Hydrozoon : One of the Hydrozoa.
Hydrozoons : of Hydrozoon
Hydruret : A binary compound of hydrogen; a hydride.
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