Vocabulary : Hyloism to Hylozoist

Hyloism : Same as Hylotheism.
Hyloist : Same as Hylotheist.
Hylopathism : The doctrine that matter is sentient.
Hylopathist : One who believes in hylopathism.
Hylophagous : Eating green shoots, as certain insects do.
Hylotheism : The doctrine of belief that matter is God, or that there is no God except matter and the universe; pantheism. See Materialism.
Hylotheist : One who believes in hylotheism.
Hylozoic : Of or pertaining to hylozoism.
Hylozoism : The doctrine that matter possesses a species of life and sensation, or that matter and life are inseparable.
Hylozoist : A believer in hylozoism.
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