Vocabulary : Hyperotreta to Hyperpyrexia

Hyperotreta : An order of marsipobranchs, including the Myxine or hagfish and the genus Bdellostoma. They have barbels around the mouth, one tooth on the plate, and a communication between the nasal aperture and the throat. See Hagfish.
Hyperoxide : A compound having a relatively large percentage of oxygen; a peroxide.
Hyperoxygenated : Alt. of Hyperoxygenized
Hyperoxygenized : Combined with a relatively large amount of oxygen; -- said of higher oxides.
Hyperoxymuriate : A perchlorate.
Hyperoxymuriatic : Perchloric; as, hyperoxymuriatic acid.
Hyperphysical : Above or transcending physical laws; supernatural.
Hyperplasia : An increase in, or excessive growth of, the normal elements of any part.
Hyperplastic : Of or pertaining to hyperplasia. ;; Tending to excess of formative action.
Hyperpyrexia : A condition of excessive fever; an elevation of temperature in a disease, in excess of the limit usually observed in that disease.
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