Vocabulary : Igniting to Ignominious

Igniting : of Ignite
Ignition : The act of igniting, kindling, or setting on fire. ;; The state of being ignited or kindled.
Ignitor : One who, or that which, produces ignition; especially, a contrivance for igniting the powder in a torpedo or the like.
Ignivomous : Vomiting fire.
Ignobility : Ignobleness.
Ignoble : Of low birth or family; not noble; not illustrious; plebeian; common; humble. ;; Not honorable, elevated, or generous; base. ;; Not a true or noble falcon; -- said of certain hawks, as the goshawk. ;; To make ignoble.
Ignobleness : State or quality of being ignoble.
Ignobly : In an ignoble manner; basely.
Ignominies : of Ignominy
Ignominious : Marked with ignominy; in curring public disgrace; dishonorable; shameful. ;; Deserving ignominy; despicable. ;; Humiliating; degrading; as, an ignominious judgment or sentence.
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