Vocabulary : Iliolumbar to Illabile

Iliolumbar : Pertaining to the iliac and lumbar regions; as, the iliolumbar artery.
Iliopsoas : The great flexor muscle of the hip joint, divisible into two parts, the iliac and great psoas, -- often regarded as distinct muscles.
Ilium : The dorsal one of the three principal bones comprising either lateral half of the pelvis; the dorsal or upper part of the hip bone. See Innominate bone, under Innominate.
Ilixanthin : A yellow dye obtained from the leaves of the holly.
Ilk : Same; each; every.
Ilke : Same.
Ilkon : Alt. of Ilkoon
Ilkoon : Each one; every one.
Ill : Contrary to good, in a physical sense; contrary or opposed to advantage, happiness, etc.; bad; evil; unfortunate; disagreeable; unfavorable. ;; Contrary to good, in a moral sense; evil; wicked; wrong; iniquitious; naughtly; bad; improper. ;; Sick; indisposed; unwell; diseased; disordered; as, ill of a fever. ;; Not according with rule, fitness, or propriety; incorrect; rude; unpolished; inelegant. ;; Whatever annoys or impairs happiness, or prevents success; evil of any kind; misfortune; calamity; disease; pain; as, the ills of humanity. ;; Whatever is contrary to good, in a moral sense; wickedness; depravity; iniquity; wrong; evil. ;; In a ill manner; badly; weakly.
Illabile : Incapable of falling or erring; infalliable.
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