Vocabulary : Illusive to Illustrative

Illusive : Deceiving by false show; deceitful; deceptive; false; illusory; unreal.
Illusively : In a illusive manner; falsely.
Illusiveness : The quality of being illusive; deceptiveness; false show.
Illusory : Deceiving, or tending of deceive; fallacious; illusive; as, illusory promises or hopes.
Illustrable : Capable of illustration.
Illustrate : To make clear, bright, or luminous. ;; To set in a clear light; to exhibit distinctly or conspicuously. ;; To make clear, intelligible, or apprehensible; to elucidate, explain, or exemplify, as by means of figures, comparisons, and examples. ;; To adorn with pictures, as a book or a subject; to elucidate with pictures, as a history or a romance. ;; To give renown or honor to; to make illustrious; to glorify. ;; Illustrated; distinguished; illustrious.
Illustrated : of Illustrate
Illustrating : of Illustrate
Illustration : The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct; education; also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct. ;; That which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity. ;; A picture designed to decorate a volume or elucidate a literary work.
Illustrative : Tending or designed to illustrate, exemplify, or elucidate. ;; Making illustrious.
Next : Illustratively, Illustrator, Illustratory, Illustrious, Illustriously, Illustriousness, Illustrous, Illutation, Illuxurious, Ill-will
Previous : Illuministic, Illuminize, Illuminized, Illuminizing, Illuminous, Illure, Ill-used, Illusion, Illusionable, Illusionist
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