Vocabulary : Immeritous to Immeshed

Immeritous : Undeserving.
Immersable : See Immersible.
Immerse : Immersed; buried; hid; sunk. ;; To plunge into anything that surrounds or covers, especially into a fluid; to dip; to sink; to bury; to immerge. ;; To baptize by immersion. ;; To engage deeply; to engross the attention of; to involve; to overhelm.
Immersed : of Immerse ;; Deeply plunged into anything, especially a fluid. ;; Deeply occupied; engrossed; entangled. ;; Growing wholly under water.
Immersible : Capable of being immersed. ;; Not capable of being immersed.
Immersing : of Immerse
Immersion : The act of immersing, or the state of being immersed; a sinking within a fluid; a dipping; as, the immersion of Achilles in the Styx. ;; Submersion in water for the purpose of Christian baptism, as, practiced by the Baptists. ;; The state of being overhelmed or deeply absorbed; deep engagedness. ;; The dissapearance of a celestail body, by passing either behind another, as in the occultation of a star, or into its shadow, as in the eclipse of a satellite; -- opposed to emersion.
Immersionist : One who holds the doctrine that immersion is essential to Christian baptism.
Immesh : To catch or entangle in, or as in, the meshes of a net. or in a web; to insnare.
Immeshed : of Immesh
Next : Immeshing, Immethodical, Immethodically, Immethodicalness, Immethodize, Immetrical, Immew, Immigrant, Immigrate, Immigrated
Previous : Immensity, Immensive, Immensurability, Immensurable, Immensurate, Immerge, Immerged, Immerging, Immerit, Immerited
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