Vocabulary : Imparting to Impassionate

Imparting : of Impart
Impartment : The act of imparting, or that which is imparted, communicated, or disclosed.
Impassable : Incapable of being passed; not admitting a passage; as, an impassable road, mountain, or gulf.
Impasse : An impassable road or way; a blind alley; cul-de-sac; fig., a position or predicament affording no escape.
Impassibility : The quality or condition of being impassible; insusceptibility of injury from external things.
Impassible : Incapable of suffering; inaccessible to harm or pain; not to be touched or moved to passion or sympathy; unfeeling, or not showing feeling; without sensation.
Impassibleness : Impassibility.
Impassion : To move or affect strongly with passion.
Impassionable : Excitable; susceptible of strong emotion.
Impassionate : Strongly affected. ;; To affect powerfully; to arouse the passions of. ;; Without passion or feeling.
Next : Impassioned, Impassive, Impassivity, Impastation, Impaste, Impasted, Impasting, Impasto, Impasture, Impatible
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