Vocabulary : Impropriate to Improsperous

Impropriate : To appropriate to one's self; to assume. ;; To place the profits of (ecclesiastical property) in the hands of a layman for care and disbursement. ;; To become an impropriator. ;; Put into the hands of a layman; impropriated.
Impropriated : of Impropriate
Impropriating : of Impropriate
Impropriation : The act of impropriating; as, the impropriation of property or tithes; also, that which is impropriated. ;; The act of putting an ecclesiastical benefice in the hands of a layman, or lay corporation. ;; A benefice in the hands of a layman, or of a lay corporation.
Impropriator : One who impropriates; specifically, a layman in possession of church property.
Impropriatrix : A female impropriator.
Improprieties : of Impropriety
Impropriety : The quality of being improper; unfitness or unsuitableness to character, time place, or circumstances; as, impropriety of behavior or manners. ;; That which is improper; an unsuitable or improper act, or an inaccurate use of language.
Improsperity : Want of prosperity.
Improsperous : Not prosperous.
Next : Improvability, Improvable, Improve, Improved, Improvement, Improver, Improvided, Improvidence, Improvident, Improvidentially
Previous : Imprompt, Impromptu, Improper, Improperation, Improperia, Improperly, Improperty, Impropitious, Improportionable, Improportionate
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