Vocabulary : Incension to Inception

Incension : The act of kindling, or the state of being kindled or on fire.
Incensive : Tending to excite or provoke; inflammatory.
Incensor : A kindler of anger or enmity; an inciter.
Incensories : of Incensory
Incensory : The vessel in which incense is burned and offered; a censer; a thurible.
Incensurable : Not censurable.
Incenter : The center of the circle inscribed in a triangle.
Incentive : Inciting; encouraging or moving; rousing to action; stimulative. ;; Serving to kindle or set on fire. ;; That which moves or influences the mind, or operates on the passions; that which incites, or has a tendency to incite, to determination or action; that which prompts to good or ill; motive; spur; as, the love of money, and the desire of promotion, are two powerful incentives to action.
Incentively : Incitingly; encouragingly.
Inception : Beginning; commencement; initiation. ;; Reception; a taking in.
Next : Inceptive, Inceptor, Inceration, Incerative, Incertain, Incertainty, Incertitude, Incertum, Incessable, Incessancy
Previous : Incendiary, Incendious, Incensant, Incensation, Incense, Incensebreathing, Incensed, Incensement, Incenser, Incensing
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