Vocabulary : Incoronate to Incorporator

Incoronate : Crowned.
Incorporal : Immaterial; incorporeal; spiritual.
Incorporality : Incorporeality.
Incorporally : Incorporeally.
Incorporate : Not consisting of matter; not having a material body; incorporeal; spiritual. ;; Not incorporated; not existing as a corporation; as, an incorporate banking association. ;; Corporate; incorporated; made one body, or united in one body; associated; mixed together; combined; embodied. ;; To form into a body; to combine, as different ingredients. into one consistent mass. ;; To unite with a material body; to give a material form to; to embody. ;; To unite with, or introduce into, a mass already formed; as, to incorporate copper with silver; -- used with with and into. ;; To unite intimately; to blend; to assimilate; to combine into a structure or organization, whether material or mental; as, to incorporate provinces into the realm; to incorporate another's ideas into one's work. ;; To form into a legal body, or body politic; to constitute into a corporation recognized by law, with special functions, rights, duties and liabilities; as, to incorporate a bank, a railroad company, a city or town, etc. ;; To unite in
Incorporated : of Incorporate ;; United in one body; formed into a corporation; made a legal entity.
Incorporating : of Incorporate
Incorporation : The act of incorporating, or the state of being incorporated. ;; The union of different ingredients in one mass; mixture; combination; synthesis. ;; The union of something with a body already existing; association; intimate union; assimilation; as, the incorporation of conquered countries into the Roman republic. ;; The act of creating a corporation. ;; A body incorporated; a corporation.
Incorporative : Incorporating or tending to incorporate; as, the incorporative languages (as of the Basques, North American Indians, etc. ) which run a whole phrase into one word.
Incorporator : One of a number of persons who gets a company incorporated; one of the original members of a corporation.
Next : Incorporeal, Incorporealism, Incorporealist, Incorporeality, Incorporeally, Incorporeity, Incorpse, Incorrect, Incorrection, Incorrectly
Previous : Inconverted, Inconvertibility, Inconvertible, Inconvertibleness, Inconvertibly, Inconvincible, Inconvincibly, Incony, Incoordinate, Incoordination
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