Vocabulary : Incorrupted to Incrassated

Incorrupted : Uncorrupted.
Incorruptibility : The quality of being incorruptible; incapability of corruption.
Incorruptible : Not corruptible; incapable of corruption, decay, or dissolution; as, gold is incorruptible. ;; Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and upright. ;; One of a religious sect which arose in Alexandria, in the reign of the Emperor Justinian, and which believed that the body of Christ was incorruptible, and that he suffered hunger, thirst, pain, only in appearance. ;; The quality or state of being incorruptible.
Incorruptibly : In an incorruptible manner.
Incorruption : The condition or quality of being incorrupt or incorruptible; absence of, or exemption from, corruption.
Incorruptive : Incorruptible; not liable to decay.
Incorruptly : Without corruption.
Incorruptness : Freedom or exemption from decay or corruption. ;; Probity; integrity; honesty.
Incrassate : To make thick or thicker; to thicken; especially, in pharmacy, to thicken (a liquid) by the mixture of another substance, or by evaporating the thinner parts. ;; To become thick or thicker. ;; Alt. of Incrassated
Incrassated : of Incrassate ;; Made thick or thicker; thickened; inspissated. ;; Thickened; becoming thicker. ;; Swelled out on some particular part, as the antennae of certain insects.
Next : Incrassating, Incrassation, Incrassative, Increasable, Increase, Increased, Increaseful, Increasement, Increaser, Increasing
Previous : Incorrectness, Incorrespondence, Incorrespondency, Incorresponding, Incorrigibility, Incorrigible, Incorrigibleness, Incorrigibly, Incorrodible, Incorrupt
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