Vocabulary : Inculpated to Incumbency

Inculpated : of Inculpate
Inculpating : of Inculpate
Inculpation : Blame; censure; crimination.
Inculpatory : Imputing blame; criminatory; compromising; implicating.
Incult : Untilled; uncultivated; crude; rude; uncivilized.
Incultivated : Uncultivated.
Incultivation : Want of cultivation.
Inculture : Want or neglect of cultivation or culture.
Incumbencies : of Incumbency
Incumbency : The state of being incumbent; a lying or resting on something. ;; That which is physically incumbent; that which lies as a burden; a weight. ;; That which is morally incumbent, or is imposed, as a rule, a duty, obligation, or responsibility. ;; The state of holding a benefice; the full possession and exercise of any office.
Next : Incumbent, Incumbently, Incumber, Incumbered, Incumbering, Incumbition, Incumbrance, Incumbrancer, Incumbrous, Incunabula
Previous : Inculcated, Inculcating, Inculcation, Inculcator, Inculk, Inculp, Inculpable, Inculpableness, Inculpably, Inculpate
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