Vocabulary : Indifferentism to Indigenous

Indifferentism : State of indifference; want of interest or earnestness; especially, a systematic apathy regarding what is true or false in religion or philosophy; agnosticism. ;; Same as Identism. ;; A heresy consisting in an unconcern for any particular creed, provided the morals be right and good.
Indifferentist : One governed by indifferentism.
Indifferently : In an indifferent manner; without distinction or preference; impartially; without concern, wish, affection, or aversion; tolerably; passably.
Indifulvin : A reddish resinous substance, obtained from indican.
Indifuscin : A brown amorphous powder, obtained from indican.
Indigeen : Same as Indigene.
Indigence : The condition of being indigent; want of estate, or means of comfortable subsistence; penury; poverty; as, helpless, indigence.
Indigency : Indigence.
Indigene : One born in a country; an aboriginal animal or plant; an autochthon.
Indigenous : Native; produced, growing, or living, naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; not imported. ;; Native; inherent; innate.
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