Vocabulary : Indo-Chinese to Indo-do-Chinese languages

Indo-Chinese : Of or pertaining to Indo-China (i. e., Farther India, or India beyond the Ganges). ;; Of or pertaining to Indo-China. ;; Of or pert. to the Mongoloid races of India, esp. Farther India, or designating, or of, their languages.
Indocibility : The state of being indocible; indocibleness; indocility.
Indocible : Incapable of being taught, or not easily instructed; dull in intellect; intractable; unteachable; indocile.
Indocile : Not teachable; indisposed to be taught, trained, or disciplined; not easily instructed or governed; dull; intractable.
Indocility : The quality or state of being indocile; dullness of intellect; unteachableness; intractableness.
Indoctrinate : To instruct in the rudiments or principles of learning, or of a branch of learning; to imbue with learning; to instruct in, or imbue with, principles or doctrines; to teach; -- often followed by in.
Indoctrinated : of Indoctrinate
Indoctrinating : of Indoctrinate
Indoctrination : The act of indoctrinating, or the condition of being indoctrinated; instruction in the rudiments and principles of any science or system of belief; information.
Indo-do-Chinese languages : A family of languages, mostly of the isolating type, although some are agglutinative, spoken in the great area extending from northern India in the west to Formosa in the east and from Central Asia in the north to the Malay Peninsula in the south.
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