Vocabulary : Induction generator to Inductoriums

Induction generator : A machine built as an induction motor and driven above synchronous speed, thus acting as an alternating-current generator; -- called also asynchronous generator. Below synchronism the machine takes in electrical energy and acts as an induction motor; at synchronism the power component of current becomes zero and changes sign, so that above synchronism the machine (driven for thus purpose by mechanical power) gives out electrical energy as a generator.
Induction motor : A type of alternating-current motor comprising two wound members, one stationary, called the stator, and the other rotating, called the rotor, these two members corresponding to a certain extent to the field and armature of a direct-current motor.
Inductional : Pertaining to, or proceeding by, induction; inductive.
Inductive : Leading or drawing; persuasive; tempting; -- usually followed by to. ;; Tending to induce or cause. ;; Leading to inferences; proceeding by, derived from, or using, induction; as, inductive reasoning. ;; Operating by induction; as, an inductive electrical machine. ;; Facilitating induction; susceptible of being acted upon by induction; as certain substances have a great inductive capacity.
Inductively : By induction or inference.
Inductometer : An instrument for measuring or ascertaining the degree or rate of electrical induction.
Inductor : The person who inducts another into an office or benefice. ;; That portion of an electrical apparatus, in which is the inducing charge or current.
Inductoria : of Inductorium
Inductorium : An induction coil.
Inductoriums : of Inductorium
Next : Inductric, Inductrical, Indue, Indued, Induement, Induing, Indulge, Indulged, Indulgement, Indulgence
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