Vocabulary : Ineffectualness to Inefficiency

Ineffectualness : Want of effect, or of power to produce it; inefficacy.
Ineffervescence : Want of effervescence.
Ineffervescent : Not effervescing, or not susceptible of effervescence; quiescent.
Ineffervescibility : The quality of being ineffervescible.
Ineffervescible : Not capable or susceptible of effervescence.
Inefficacious : Not efficacious; not having power to produce the effect desired; inadequate; incompetent; inefficient; impotent.
Inefficaciously : without efficacy or effect.
Inefficaciousness : Want of effect, or of power to produce the effect; inefficacy.
Inefficacy : Want of power to produce the desired or proper effect; inefficiency; ineffectualness; futility; uselessness; fruitlessness; as, the inefficacy of medicines or means.
Inefficiency : The quality of being inefficient; want of power or energy sufficient; want of power or energy sufficient for the desired effect; inefficacy; incapacity; as, he was discharged from his position for inefficiency.
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