Vocabulary : Infangthef to Infantine

Infangthef : The privilege granted to lords of certain manors to judge thieves taken within the seigniory of such lords.
Infant : A child in the first period of life, beginning at his birth; a young babe; sometimes, a child several years of age. ;; A person who is not of full age, or who has not attained the age of legal capacity; a person under the age of twenty-one years; a minor. ;; Same as Infante. ;; Of or pertaining to infancy, or the first period of life; tender; not mature; as, infant strength. ;; Intended for young children; as, an infant school. ;; To bear or bring forth, as a child; hence, to produce, in general.
Infanta : A title borne by every one of the daughters of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest.
Infante : A title given to every one of sons of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest or heir apparent.
Infanthood : Infancy.
Infanticidal : Of or pertaining to infanticide; engaged in, or guilty of, child murder.
Infanticide : The murder of an infant born alive; the murder or killing of a newly born or young child; child murder. ;; One who commits the crime of infanticide; one who kills an infant.
Infantile : Of or pertaining to infancy, or to an infant; similar to, or characteristic of, an infant; childish; as, infantile behavior.
Infantile paralysis : An acute disease, almost exclusively infantile, characterized by inflammation of the anterior horns of the gray substance of the spinal cord. It is attended with febrile symptoms, motor paralysis, and muscular atrophy, often producing permanent deformities. Called also acute anterior poliomyelitis.
Infantine : Infantile; childish.
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