Vocabulary : Infracting to Inframaxillary

Infracting : of Infract
Infraction : The act of infracting or breaking; breach; violation; nonobservance; infringement; as, an infraction of a treaty, compact, rule, or law.
Infractor : One who infracts or infringes; a violator; a breaker.
Infragrant : Not fragrant.
Infrahyoid : Same as Hyosternal (a).
Infralabial : Below the lower lip; -- said of certain scales of reptiles and fishes.
Infralapsarian : One of that class of Calvinists who consider the decree of election as contemplating the apostasy as past and the elect as being at the time of election in a fallen and guilty state; -- opposed to Supralapsarian. The former considered the election of grace as a remedy for an existing evil; the latter regarded the fall as a part of God's original purpose in regard to men. ;; Of or pertaining to the Infralapsarians, or to their doctrine.
Infralapsarianism : The doctrine, belief, or principles of the Infralapsarians.
Inframarginal : Below the margin; submarginal; as, an inframarginal convolution of the brain.
Inframaxillary : Under the lower jaw; submaxillary; as, the inframaxillary nerve. ;; Of or pertaining to the lower iaw.
Next : Inframedian, Inframundane, Infranchise, Infrangibility, Infrangible, Infrangibleness, Infraocular, Infraorbital, Infrapose, Infraposition
Previous : Infortune, Infortuned, Infound, Infra, Infra-axillary, Infrabranchial, Infraclavicular, Infract, Infracted, Infractible
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