Vocabulary : Infurcation to Infuser

Infurcation : A forked exlpansion or divergence; a bifurcation; a branching.
Infuriate : Enraged; rading; furiously angry; infuriated. ;; To render furious; to enrage; to exasperate.
Infuriated : of Infuriate ;; Enraged; furious.
Infuriating : of Infuriate
Infuscate : To darken; to make black; to obscure.
Infuscated : Darkened with a blackish tinge.
Infuscation : The act of darkening, or state of being dark; darkness; obscurity.
Infuse : To pour in, as a liquid; to pour (into or upon); to shed. ;; To instill, as principles or qualities; to introduce. ;; To inspire; to inspirit or animate; to fill; -- followed by with. ;; To steep in water or other fluid without boiling, for the propose of extracting medicinal qualities; to soak. ;; To make an infusion with, as an ingredient; to tincture; to saturate. ;; Infusion.
Infused : of Infuse
Infuser : One who, or that which, infuses.
Next : Infusibility, Infusible, Infusibleness, Infusing, Infusion, Infusionism, Infusive, Infusoria, Infusorial, Infusorian
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