Vocabulary : Interbranchial to Intercarpal

Interbranchial : Between the branchiae.
Interbreed : To breed by crossing different stocks of animals or plants.
Intercalar : Intercalary.
Intercalary : Inserted or introduced among others in the calendar; as, an intercalary month, day, etc.; -- now applied particularly to the odd day (Feb. 29) inserted in the calendar of leap year. See Bissextile, n. ;; Introduced or inserted among others; additional; supernumerary.
Intercalate : To insert, as a day or other portion of time, in a calendar. ;; To insert among others, as a verse in a stanza; specif. (Geol.), to introduce as a bed or stratum, between the layers of a regular series of rocks.
Intercalated : of Intercalate
Intercalating : of Intercalate
Intercalation : The insertion of a day, or other portion of time, in a calendar. ;; The insertion or introduction of anything among others, as the insertion of a phrase, line, or verse in a metrical composition; specif. (Geol.), the intrusion of a bed or layer between other layers.
Intercarotid : Situated between the external and internal carotid arteries; as, an intercarotid ganglion.
Intercarpal : Between the carpal bone; as, intercarpal articulations, ligaments.
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