Vocabulary : Intercontinental to Intercur

Intercontinental : Between or among continents; subsisting or carried on between continents; as, intercontinental relations or commerce.
Interconvertible : Convertible the one into the other; as, coin and bank notes are interconvertible.
Intercostal : Between the ribs; pertaining to, or produced by, the parts between the ribs; as, intercostal respiration, in which the chest is alternately enlarged and contracted by the intercostal muscles.
Intercourse : A commingling; intimate connection or dealings between persons or nations, as in common affairs and civilities, in correspondence or trade; communication; commerce; especially, interchange of thought and feeling; association; communion.
Intercrop : To cultivate by planting simultaneous crops in alternate rows; as, to intercrop an orchard. Also, to use for catch crops at seasons when the ground is not covered by crops of the regular rotation. ;; A crop grown among or between the rows of another crop; a catch crop.
Intercross : To cross each other, as lines. ;; To fertilize by the impregnation of one species or variety by another; to impregnate by a different species or variety. ;; The process or result of cross fertilization between different kinds of animals, or different varieties of plants.
Intercrossed : of Intercross
Intercrossing : of Intercross
Intercrural : Between crura; -- applied especially to the interneural plates in the vertebral column of many cartilaginous fishes.
Intercur : To intervene; to come or occur in the meantime.
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