Vocabulary : Intermitted to Intermobility

Intermitted : of Intermit
Intermittence : Act or state of intermitting; intermission.
Intermittent : Coming and going at intervals; alternating; recurrent; periodic; as, an intermittent fever. ;; An intermittent fever or disease.
Intermittently : With intermissions; in an intermittent manner; intermittingly.
Intermitting : of Intermit
Intermittingly : With intermissions; at intervals.
Intermix : To mix together; to intermingle. ;; To be mixed together; to be intermingled.
Intermixedly : In a mixed manner.
Intermixture : A mass formed by mixture; a mass of ingredients mixed. ;; Admixture; an additional ingredient.
Intermobility : Capacity of things to move among each other; as, the intermobility of fluid particles.
Next : Intermodillion, Intermontane, Intermundane, Intermundian, Intermural, Intermure, Intermured, Intermuring, Intermuscular, Intermutation
Previous : Interminably, Interminate, Interminated, Intermination, Intermine, Intermingle, Intermise, Intermission, Intermissive, Intermit
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