Vocabulary : Interparietal to Interpenetration

Interparietal : Between the parietal bones or cartilages; as, the interparietal suture. ;; The interparietal bone or cartilage.
Interpause : An intermission.
Interpeal : To interpel.
Interpedencular : Between peduncles; esp., between the peduncles, or crura, of the cerebrum.
Interpel : To interrupt, break in upon, or intercede with.
Interpellant : Interpelling; interrupting. ;; One who, or that which, interpels.
Interpellate : To question imperatively, as a minister, or other executive officer, in explanation of his conduct; -- generally on the part of a legislative body.
Interpellation : The act of interpelling or interrupting; interruption. ;; The act of interposing or interceding; intercession. ;; An act of interpellating, or of demanding of an officer an explanation of his action; imperative or peremptory questioning; a point raised in a debate. ;; A official summons or citation.
Interpenetrate : To penetrate between or within; to penetrate mutually. ;; To penetrate each the other; to penetrate between bodies or their parts.
Interpenetration : The act of penetrating between or within other substances; mutual penetration.
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