Vocabulary : Interruptedly to Interscinded

Interruptedly : With breaks or interruptions; discontinuously.
Interrupter : One who, or that which, interrupts. ;; A device for opening and closing an electrical circuit; a vibrating spring or tuning fork, arranged to make and break a circuit at rapidly recurring intervals, by the action of the current itself.
Interrupting : of Interrupt
Interruption : The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon. ;; The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition. ;; Obstruction caused by breaking in upon course, current, progress, or motion; stop; hindrance; as, the author has met with many interruptions in the execution of his work; the speaker or the argument proceeds without interruption. ;; Temporary cessation; intermission; suspension.
Interruptive : Tending to interrupt; interrupting.
Interscapular : Between the scapulae or shoulder blades. ;; Pertaining to the upper back, or the part between the shoulders; as, the interscapular feathers.
Interscapulars : The interscapular feathers of a bird.
Interscendent : Having exponents which are radical quantities; -- said of certain powers; as, x2, or xa.
Interscind : To cut off.
Interscinded : of Interscind
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