Vocabulary : Interviewing to Interweave

Interviewing : The act or custom of holding an interview or interviews.
Intervisible : Mutually visible, or in sight, the one from the other, as stations.
Intervisit : To exchange visits.
Intervital : Between two lives.
Intervocalic : Situated between vowels; immediately preceded and followed by vowel sounds, as, p in occupy, d in idea, etc.
Intervolution : The state of being intervolved or coiled up; a convolution; as, the intervolutions of a snake.
Intervolve : To involve one within another; to twist or coil together.
Intervolved : of Intervolve
Intervolving : of Intervolve
Interweave : To weave together; to intermix or unite in texture or construction; to intertwine; as, threads of silk and cotton interwoven. ;; To intermingle; to unite intimately; to connect closely; as, to interweave truth with falsehood.
Next : Interweaving, Interwish, Interworking, Interworld, Interwove, Interwoven, Interwreathe, Intestable, Intestacy, Intestate
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