Vocabulary : Intrafusion to Intransgressible

Intrafusion : The act of pouring into a vessel; specif. (Med.), the operation of introducing a substance into a blood vessel; as, intrafusion of blood.
Intralobular : Within lobules; as, the intralobular branches of the hepatic veins.
Intramarginal : Situated within the margin.
Intramercurial : Between the planet Mercury and the sun; -- as, the hypothetical Vulcan is intramercurial.
Intramolecular : Between molecules; situated, or acting, between the molecules of bodies.
Intramundane : Being within the material world; -- opposed to extramundane.
Intramural : Being within the walls, as of a city. ;; Being within the substance of the walls of an organ; as, intramural pregnancy.
Intranquillity : Unquietness; restlessness.
Intranscalent : Impervious to heat; adiathermic.
Intransgressible : Incapable of being transgressed; not to be passes over or crossed.
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