Vocabulary : Intuitionist to Intumulated

Intuitionist : Same as Intuitionalist.
Intuitive : Seeing clearly; as, an intuitive view; intuitive vision. ;; Knowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning. ;; Received. reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition; as, intuitive judgment or knowledge; -- opposed to deductive.
Intuitively : In an intuitive manner.
Intuitivism : The doctrine that the ideas of right and wrong are intuitive.
Intumesce : To enlarge or expand with heat; to swell; specifically, to swell up or bubble up under the action of heat, as before the blowpipe.
Intumesced : of Intumesce
Intumescence : The act or process of swelling or enlarging; also, the state of being swollen; expansion; tumidity; especially, the swelling up of bodies under the action of heat. ;; Anything swollen or enlarged, as a tumor.
Intumescent : Swelling up; expanding.
Intumescing : of Intumesce
Intumulated : Unburied.
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