Vocabulary : Invection to Inveiglement

Invection : An inveighing against; invective.
Invective : Characterized by invection; critical; denunciatory; satirical; abusive; railing. ;; An expression which inveighs or rails against a person; a severe or violent censure or reproach; something uttered or written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure, or reproach on another; a harsh or reproachful accusation; -- followed by against, having reference to the person or thing affected; as an invective against tyranny.
Invectively : In an invective manner.
Inveigh : To declaim or rail (against some person or thing); to utter censorious and bitter language; to attack with harsh criticism or reproach, either spoken or written; to use invectives; -- with against; as, to inveigh against character, conduct, manners, customs, morals, a law, an abuse.
Inveighed : of Inveigh
Inveigher : One who inveighs.
Inveighing : of Inveigh
Inveigle : To lead astray as if blind; to persuade to something evil by deceptive arts or flattery; to entice; to insnare; to seduce; to wheedle.
Inveigled : of Inveigle
Inveiglement : The act of inveigling, or the state of being inveigled; that which inveigles; enticement; seduction.
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