Vocabulary : Investigator to Inveterately

Investigator : One who searches diligently into a subject.
Investing : of Invest
Investiture : The act or ceremony of investing, or the of being invested, as with an office; a giving possession; also, the right of so investing. ;; Livery of seizin. ;; That with which anyone is invested or clothed; investment; clothing; covering.
Investive : Investing.
Investment : The act of investing, or the state of being invested. ;; That with which anyone is invested; a vestment. ;; The act of surrounding, blocking up, or besieging by an armed force, or the state of being so surrounded. ;; The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property; the amount of money invested, or that in which money is invested.
Investor : One who invests.
Investure : Investiture; investment. ;; To clothe; to invest; to install.
Inveteracy : Firm establishment by long continuance; firmness or deep-rooted obstinacy of any quality or state acquired by time; as, the inveteracy of custom, habit, or disease; -- usually in a bad sense; as, the inveteracy of prejudice or of error. ;; Malignity; spitefulness; virulency.
Inveterate : Old; long-established. ;; Firmly established by long continuance; obstinate; deep-rooted; of long standing; as, an inveterate disease; an inveterate abuse. ;; Having habits fixed by long continuance; confirmed; habitual; as, an inveterate idler or smoker. ;; Malignant; virulent; spiteful. ;; To fix and settle by long continuance.
Inveterately : In an inveterate manner or degree.
Next : Inveterateness, Inveteration, Invict, Invidious, Invigilance, Invigilancy, Invigor, Invigorate, Invigorated, Invigorating
Previous : Inverting, Invest, Invested, Investient, Investigable, Investigate, Investigated, Investigating, Investigation, Investigative
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