Vocabulary : Invigoration to Inviolacy

Invigoration : The act of invigorating, or the state of being invigorated.
Invile : To render vile.
Invillaged : Turned into, or reduced to, a village.
Invincibility : The quality or state of being invincible; invincibleness.
Invincible : Incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued; unconquerable; insuperable; as, an invincible army, or obstacle.
Inviolability : The quality or state of being inviolable; inviolableness.
Inviolable : Not violable; not susceptible of hurt, wound, or harm (used with respect to either physical or moral damage); not susceptible of being profaned or corrupted; sacred; holy; as, inviolable honor or chastity; an inviolable shrine. ;; Unviolated; uninjured; undefiled; uncorrupted. ;; Not capable of being broken or violated; as, an inviolable covenant, agreement, promise, or vow.
Inviolableness : The quality or state of being inviolable; as, the inviolableness of divine justice.
Inviolably : Without violation.
Inviolacy : The state or quality of being inviolate; as, the inviolacy of an oath.
Next : Inviolaness, Inviolate, Inviolated, Inviolately, Invious, Invirile, Invirility, Inviscate, Inviscated, Inviscating
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