Vocabulary : Involucret to Involve

Involucret : An involucel.
Involucrum : See Involucre. ;; A sheath which surrounds the base of the lasso cells in the Siphonophora.
Involucrums : of Involucrum
Involuntarily : In an involuntary manner; not voluntarily; not intentionally or willingly.
Involuntariness : The quality or state of being involuntary; unwillingness; automatism.
Involuntary : Not having will or the power of choice. ;; Not under the influence or control of the will; not voluntary; as, the involuntary movements of the body; involuntary muscle fibers. ;; Not proceeding from choice; done unwillingly; reluctant; compulsory; as, involuntary submission.
Involute : Alt. of Involuted ;; A curve traced by the end of a string wound upon another curve, or unwound from it; -- called also evolvent. See Evolute.
Involuted : Rolled inward from the edges; -- said of leaves in vernation, or of the petals of flowers in aestivation. ;; Turned inward at the margin, as the exterior lip of the Cyprea. ;; Rolled inward spirally.
Involution : The act of involving or infolding. ;; The state of being entangled or involved; complication; entanglement. ;; That in which anything is involved, folded, or wrapped; envelope. ;; The insertion of one or more clauses between the subject and the verb, in a way that involves or complicates the construction. ;; The act or process of raising a quantity to any power assigned; the multiplication of a quantity into itself a given number of times; -- the reverse of evolution. ;; The relation which exists between three or more sets of points, a.a', b.b', c.c', so related to a point O on the line, that the product Oa.Oa' = Ob.Ob' = Oc.Oc' is constant. Sets of lines or surfaces possessing corresponding properties may be in involution. ;; The return of an enlarged part or organ to its normal size, as of the uterus after pregnancy.
Involve : To roll or fold up; to wind round; to entwine. ;; To envelop completely; to surround; to cover; to hide; to involve in darkness or obscurity. ;; To complicate or make intricate, as in grammatical structure. ;; To connect with something as a natural or logical consequence or effect; to include necessarily; to imply. ;; To take in; to gather in; to mingle confusedly; to blend or merge. ;; To envelop, infold, entangle, or embarrass; as, to involve a person in debt or misery. ;; To engage thoroughly; to occupy, employ, or absorb. ;; To raise to any assigned power; to multiply, as a quantity, into itself a given number of times; as, a quantity involved to the third or fourth power.
Next : Involved, Involvedness, Involvement, Involving, Invulgar, Invulnerability, Invulnerable, Invulnerableness, Invulnerate, Inwall
Previous : Involucel, Involucella, Involucellate, Involucellum, Involucra, Involucral, Involucrate, Involucrated, Involucre, Involucred
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