Vocabulary : Ionian to Iotacism

Ionian : Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians; Ionic. ;; A native or citizen of Ionia.
Ionic : Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians. ;; Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of the five recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. Its distinguishing feature is a capital with spiral volutes. See Illust. of Capital. ;; Of or pertaining to an ion; composed of ions. ;; A foot consisting of four syllables: either two long and two short, -- that is, a spondee and a pyrrhic, in which case it is called the greater Ionic; or two short and two long, -- that is, a pyrrhic and a spondee, in which case it is called the smaller Ionic. ;; A verse or meter composed or consisting of Ionic feet. ;; The Ionic dialect; as, the Homeric Ionic. ;; Ionic type.
Ionidium : A genus of violaceous plants, chiefly found in tropical America, some species of which are used as substitutes for ipecacuanha.
Ionize : To separate (a compound) into ions, esp. by dissolving in water.
Ionized : of Ionize
Ionizing : of Ionize
Ioqua shell : The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America.
Ios : of Io
Iota : The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (/) corresponding with the English i. ;; A very small quantity or degree; a jot; a particle.
Iotacism : The frequent use of the sound of iota (that of English e in be), as among the modern Greeks; also, confusion from sounding /, /, /, /, //, etc., like /.
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