Vocabulary : Isodiametric to Isogeothermal

Isodiametric : Developed alike in the directions of the several lateral axes; -- said of crystals of both the tetragonal and hexagonal systems. ;; Having the several diameters nearly equal; -- said of the cells of ordinary parenchyma.
Isodimorphic : Isodimorphous.
Isodimorphism : Isomorphism between the two forms severally of two dimorphous substances.
Isodimorphous : Having the quality of isodimorphism.
Isodrome : A method of moving a fleet from one formation to another, the direction usually being changed eight points (90), by means of paths of equal length for each ship. It is prohibited in the United States navy.
Isodulcite : A white, crystalline, sugarlike substance, obtained by the decomposition of certain glucosides, and intermediate in nature between the hexacid alcohols (ductile, mannite, etc.) and the glucoses.
Isodynamic : Of, pertaining to, having, or denoting, equality of force.
Isodynamous : Of equal force or size.
Isogeotherm : A line or curved surface passing beneath the earth's surface through points having the same mean temperature.
Isogeothermal : Alt. of Isogeothermic
Next : Isogeothermic, Isogonic, Isogonism, Isographic, Isography, Isohyetose, Isolable, Isolate, Isolated, Isolatedly
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