Vocabulary : Jewish to Jibb

Jewish : Of or pertaining to the Jews or Hebrews; characteristic of or resembling the Jews or their customs; Israelitish.
Jewish calendar : A lunisolar calendar in use among Hebraic peoples, reckoning from the year 3761 b. c., the date traditionally given for the Creation.
Jewry : Judea; also, a district inhabited by Jews; a Jews' quarter.
Jew's-ear : A species of fungus (Hirneola Auricula-Judae, / Auricula), bearing some resemblance to the human ear.
Jew's-harp : An instrument of music, which, when placed between the teeth, gives, by means of a bent metal tongue struck by the finger, a sound which is modulated by the breath; -- called also Jew's-trump. ;; The shackle for joining a chain cable to an anchor.
Jew's-stone : Alt. of Jewstone
Jewstone : A large clavate spine of a fossil sea urchin.
Jezebel : A bold, vicious woman; a termagant.
Jib : A triangular sail set upon a stay or halyard extending from the foremast or fore-topmast to the bowsprit or the jib boom. Large vessels often carry several jibe; as, inner jib; outer jib; flying jib; etc. ;; The projecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended. ;; To move restively backward or sidewise, -- said of a horse; to balk. ;; One that jibs, or balks; a jibber. ;; A stationary condition; a standstill. ;; Alt. of Jibb
Jibb : To shift, or swing round, as a sail, boom, yard, etc., as in tacking.
Next : Jibbed, Jibber, Jibbing, Jibe, Jibed, Jibing, Jiffy, Jig, Jigged, Jigger
Previous : Jeweler, Jeweling, Jewelled, Jewellery, Jewelling, Jewelry, Jewelweed, Jewess, Jewfish, Jewise
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