Vocabulary : Jovial to Jowl

Jovial : Of or pertaining to the god, or the planet, Jupiter. ;; Sunny; serene. ;; Gay; merry; joyous; jolly; mirth-inspiring; hilarious; characterized by mirth or jollity; as, a jovial youth; a jovial company; a jovial poem.
Jovialist : One who lives a jovial life.
Joviality : The quality or state of being jovial.
Jovially : In a jovial manner; merrily; gayly.
Jovialness : Noisy mirth; joviality.
Jovialty : Joviality.
Jovian : Of or pertaining to Jove, or Jupiter (either the deity or the planet).
Jovicentric : Revolving around the planet Jupiter; appearing as viewed from Jupiter.
Jovinianist : An adherent to the doctrines of Jovinian, a monk of the fourth century, who denied the virginity of Mary, and opposed the asceticism of his time.
Jowl : The cheek; the jaw. ;; To throw, dash, or knock.
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