Vocabulary : Juga to Juggernaut

Juga : of Jugum
Jugal : Relating to a yoke, or to marriage. ;; Pertaining to, or in the region of, the malar, or cheek bone.
Jugata : The figures of two heads on a medal or coin, either side by side or joined.
Jugated : Coupled together.
Juge : A judge.
Jugement : Judgment.
Juger : A Roman measure of land, measuring 28,800 square feet, or 240 feet in length by 120 in breadth.
Jugged : of Jug
Jugger : An East Indian falcon. See Lugger.
Juggernaut : One of the names under which Vishnu, in his incarnation as Krishna, is worshiped by the Hindoos. ;; A particular form of Vishnu, or of Krishna, whose chief idol and worship are at Puri, in Orissa. The idol is considered to contain the bones of Krishna and to possess a soul. The principal festivals are the Snanayatra, when the idol is bathed, and the Rathayatra, when the image is drawn upon a car adorned with obscene paintings. Formerly it was erroneously supposed that devotees allowed themselves to be crushed beneath the wheels of this car. It is now known that any death within the temple of Jagannath is considered to render the place unclean, and any spilling of blood in the presence of the idol is a pollution.
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