Vocabulary : Latinistic to Latirostral

Latinistic : Of, pertaining to, or derived from, Latin; in the Latin style or idiom.
Latinitaster : One who has but a smattering of Latin.
Latinity : The Latin tongue, style, or idiom, or the use thereof; specifically, purity of Latin style or idiom.
Latinization : The act or process of Latinizing, as a word, language, or country.
Latinize : To give Latin terminations or forms to, as to foreign words, in writing Latin. ;; To bring under the power or influence of the Romans or Latins; to affect with the usages of the Latins, especially in speech. ;; To make like the Roman Catholic Church or diffuse its ideas in; as, to Latinize the Church of England. ;; To use words or phrases borrowed from the Latin. ;; To come under the influence of the Romans, or of the Roman Catholic Church.
Latinized : of Latinize
Latinizing : of Latinize
Latinly : In the manner of the Latin language; in correct Latin.
Lation : Transportation; conveyance.
Latirostral : Alt. of Latirostrous
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