Vocabulary : Legislation to Legist

Legislation : The act of legislating; preparation and enactment of laws; the laws enacted.
Legislative : Making, or having the power to make, a law or laws; lawmaking; -- distinguished from executive; as, a legislative act; a legislative body. ;; Of or pertaining to the making of laws; suitable to legislation; as, the transaction of legislative business; the legislative style.
Legislatively : In a legislative manner.
Legislator : A lawgiver; one who makes laws for a state or community; a member of a legislative body.
Legislatorial : Of or pertaining to a legislator or legislature.
Legislatorship : The office of a legislator.
Legislatress : Alt. of Legislatrix
Legislatrix : A woman who makes laws.
Legislature : The body of persons in a state or kingdom invested with power to make and repeal laws; a legislative body.
Legist : One skilled in the laws; a writer on law.
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