Vocabulary : Leucitic to Leucoma

Leucitic : Containing leucite; as, leucitic rocks.
Leucitoid : The trapezohedron or tetragonal trisoctahedron; -- so called as being the form of the mineral leucite.
Leuco- : Alt. of Leuc-
Leucocyte : A colorless corpuscle, as one of the white blood corpuscles, or those found in lymph, marrow of bone, connective tissue, etc.
Leucocythaemia : Alt. of Leucocythemia
Leucocythemia : A disease in which the white corpuscles of the blood are largely increased in number, and there is enlargement of the spleen, or the lymphatic glands; leuchaemia.
Leucocytogenesis : The formation of leucocytes.
Leucoethiops : An albino.
Leucoline : A nitrogenous organic base from coal tar, and identical with quinoline. Cf. Quinoline.
Leucoma : A white opacity in the cornea of the eye; -- called also albugo.
Next : Leucomaine, Leuconic, Leucopathy, Leucophane, Leucophlegmacy, Leucophlegmatic, Leucophyll, Leucophyllous, Leucoplast, Leucoplastid
Previous : Letuary, Let-up, Leuc-, Leucadendron, Leucaniline, Leuchaemia, Leucic, Leucin, Leucinic, Leucite
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