Vocabulary : Limbus to Limerick

Limbus : An extramundane region where certain classes of souls were supposed to await the judgment. ;; Hence: Any real or imaginary place of restraint or confinement; a prison; as, to put a man in limbo. ;; A border or margin; as, the limbus of the cornea.
Lime : A thong by which a dog is led; a leash. ;; The linden tree. See Linden. ;; A fruit allied to the lemon, but much smaller; also, the tree which bears it. There are two kinds; Citrus Medica, var. acida which is intensely sour, and the sweet lime (C. Medica, var. Limetta) which is only slightly sour. ;; Birdlime. ;; Oxide of calcium; the white or gray, caustic substance, usually called quicklime, obtained by calcining limestone or shells, the heat driving off carbon dioxide and leaving lime. It develops great heat when treated with water, forming slacked lime, and is an essential ingredient of cement, plastering, mortar, etc. ;; To smear with a viscous substance, as birdlime. ;; To entangle; to insnare. ;; To treat with lime, or oxide or hydrate of calcium; to manure with lime; as, to lime hides for removing the hair; to lime sails in order to whiten them. ;; To cement.
Lime twig : See under 4th Lime.
Limed : of Lime
Limehound : A dog used in hunting the wild boar; a leamer.
Limekiln : A kiln or furnace in which limestone or shells are burned and reduced to lime.
Limelight : That part of the stage upon which the limelight as cast, usually where the most important action is progressing or where the leading player or players are placed and upon which the attention of the spectators is therefore concentrated. Hence, consspicuous position before the public; as, politicians who are never happy except in the limelight.
Limenean : Of or pertaining to Lima, or to the inhabitants of Lima, in Peru. ;; A native or inhabitant of Lima.
Limer : A limehound; a limmer.
Limerick : A nonsense poem of five anapestic lines, of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of there feet, and rime, and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet, and rime; as --There was a young lady, Amanda,/Whose Ballades Lyriques were quite fin de/Si/cle, I deem/But her Journal Intime/Was what sent her papa to Uganda.//
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